Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009 (updated 7 Mar ’13)

adam@engaging.net | Brighton, England

TidBITS takes control with ExpressionEngine


ducate your customers, they say, but Engaging.net had little to teach the very smart and knowledgeable Adam Engst, co-founder of the venerable Macintosh newsletter TidBITS, publisher of Take Control Ebooks, who contacted Engaging to help redeploy the takecontrolbooks.com web site using the ExpressionEngine content management system.

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Take Control Ebooks homepage  

Takecontrolbooks.com had grown organically on the powerful Web Crossing platform, but Web Crossing is not really a CMS, and posting new books to the growing Take Control catalog had become an increasingly labyrinthine ordeal. Adam wanted a setup that would make the process painless.

No visual redesign was involved; in fact, visitors to the new site will be hard-pressed to notice that a completely new engine now powers their treasure trove of Macintosh knowledge. Instead, what they’ll hopefully see is more ebooks as the TidBITS mavens spend less time updating the site and more of it, to paraphrase the site’s homepage, helping leading experts provide us with the answers we need now.

See their brief take on the switchover at “Take Control Site Now Running on ExpressionEngine”.